Terms and conditions of use
Rules for unlock phones
Regulations apply from 07.02.2012
§ 1 Service
1. The service is available only for phone models listed on the WEBsite.
2. Service provider is obligate to provide unlock codes, whit specified by client parameters (IMEI, model, network).
3. Service provider warns that unlocking codes will be effective if phone have never before software change or wrong code entered.
4. If the Recipient typed before into the phone any other unlock codes, Provider shall have no liability for failure to remove simlock and Recipients are not entitled in this case to refund.
5. The service will be made after payment of fees in accordance with the Price List page. Payments shall be made after completing the appropriate form on the website of the Service Provider.
6. All prices are in EURO, PLN.
7. The service provider has the obligation to provide Recipients unlock codes within the period specified on the page, depending on phone model and reset parameters. Service does not include weekends, holidays and days off from work.
8. The service provider may extend time of sending unlock codes previously sent messages to the Recipients with new time of delivery.
9. Service Provider for technical reasons, may cancel the order. Then, the service fee will be refunded.
10.For payments resposible is Banktransfer, Skrill, LaserCard, MasterCard, Visa.
12. If sent to the calculation of the IMEI number is not on the server, the money will be refunded to the buyer’s account within 72 hours on Paypal, Skrill, Bank account. If was payment by LaserCard, MasterCard, Visa money should be on card in 7 working days.
In accordance with the policies of some manufacturers (eg Apple) is non-refundable when you try to unlock if it is found that the phone is listed as blocked / stolen / (BLACKLIST or BLOCKED) are on the application of title insurance, etc.. once the order has been placed cannot be rejected !!!
13. The service provider for technical reasons may cancel the order. Then unrealized service fee will be immediately returned to the Client.
14. Due to the nature of the service the customer can not withdraw his request before the expiration of the actual time provided by the Service Provider.
15. Order Service to unlock your phone from a network other than the phone actually is locked will result in loss of deposit without the right to complain.
16. If your phone is unlocked or phone is blacklisted by provider, and despite the order has been placed, and the client has received a code / or phone is unlocked, the customer is not entitled to a refund.
If your iPhone has a “Find My iPhone” application turned on, but you don’t know the password you won’t be able to unlock your phone until you put “Find My iPhone” password.
§ 2 Complaints 1. All claims for payment and unlock codes should be submitted to our e-mail ( check it in contact section )
2. Basis for the complaints of non working codes is a video proof (using camera, mobile phone, etc), which will be visible: – Your phone IMEI number – this should be done from the keyboard by typing the key combination *#06#. – moment of entering unlock code and a message of any mistake. Film should be upload on YouTube or rapidshare or send to our email.
3. Complaints about unlock codes – examines Provider.
4. Time complaint is 30 working days.
5. The result of the complaint customer will be notified by email.
§ 3 Final Provisions 1. Service Provider reserves the right to change these regulations. The new rules apply from the date of its publication.
2. Recipient agrees to the processing and storage of personal information like e-mail, names etc…
3. All trademarks and all names appearing on the WEBsite belong to their respective owners.